split! - The easiest way to share your revenue

Usually, not only one person is involved in a track. In addition to the main artist, there are often additional artists, remixers, featured acts or composers part of a track. But what is the best way to split the revenue? And how can I make sure I don't miss out on anyone involved?

That's why we at dig dis! spared no effort and time to develop a tool that allows our label partners to deposit the revenue shares of artists, but also of participants, such as composers, already in the upload process of a new release.
The split! tool can be used from now on and we strongly recommend using it, as it will save labels a lot of time afterwards when there’s revenue to account to artists and contributors. Once labels have added the artist and contributor shares in split!, they won’t have to remember them later on when they create an artist statement in our statement tool kontrol! as splits will be retrieved automatically. This not only simplifies the entire billing process for music labels, but also saves them the hassle of searching for the revenue shares that were contractually agreed to in advance.

When entering the % for each party in split!, you have every freedom. You can adjust it the way it fits best for your label management work. For example you can set the share of the label and define if it should be a fixed value for all of the tracks in your product or if it should be variable. If you choose the variable setting you can enter the label share on each track manually.

With the launch of split! we at dig dis! continue working on creating a platform that makes it easier for our partners to spend more time on the essential tasks of their daily label work. We are pleased to present split!, a tool that is state of the art and from which all parties involved will benefit.

Start your music label now and get access to all tools.